Using An Air Spade To Expose Tree Roots For Remediation

8/31/2016 - 6:37:29 AM

The remediation for a tree in the picture below will be difficult, and an arborist should be consulted to save the tree.

In this instance excavation of the soil will be necessary, but you will need to be careful not to damage roots. The best tool for this job is an air spade. An air spade can remove soil from around roots, aerate the soil, and can be used for conditioning soil safely around roots in a way that traditional excavation equipment cannot.

All tree roots need oxygen to survive. Compacted soils, too much soil, and excess soil moisture can deprive the roots of oxygen. Factors such as these can lead to girdling roots, which will lead to tree decline and potentially failure and death.

            If you own a tree that you suspect may need soil conditioning or remediation services, consult an arborist before attempting to undertake this project on your own.

Here is a great link for locating a qualified arborist.

Gap Power rents the Air Spade and sells Arborist equipment as well.



1 comment
Oh, yes! This is exactly what my father-in-law needs right now. When I met him last week, he told me that he wants to get rid of the huge tree in his backyard within this month because its branches keep falling onto him. Thanks a lot for advising us to use spades as a method of making way for the tree root to breathe properly. I'll make sure he knows about this so he can get the job done quickly.
Amy Saunders
4/4/2022 - 9:29:17 PM
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