

1/13/2024 - 2:14:49 PM

Paint Scrape Test Number 1


We started with paint on the floor at ¼” to about 2 ½” thick. This shop had been removing some paint build up every 6 months by using an old pair of pallet forks on a forklift, jabbing them under the paint and living with the uneven results.

When we got there I started with the scraper attachment on the SK800 with the 24” blade with wings on.   It was able to scrape off paint that they had not been able to remove for the last couple years.  It worked well until I got to paint that was about 1” thick then I ran out of power. I changed to the SK1550 and that had better power and traction.  With the 24” blade with wings I was not able to go through much more than 1 ½” paint (I didn’t have the traction).

I decided to change to a 12” winged blade and put it on the 24” holder (We had to cut the wings a little to have them fit the holder). I was able to cut a path right through the middle of the paint booth (as you can see on the second video).  The paint cut on both sides and rolled off the front.  When I tried to take another pass the holder wanted to roll to the one side as you can see in the third video. This ended up snapping off the wing on the blade.  Without the wings to cut the paint it would run out of traction and power to just push through the paint. I used a straight blade to get under the paint and then I could lift up the arms and be able to roll some of the paint forward. 

Coming at the paint from different directions and peeling it back I was able to successfully remove the paint.

We were able to complete the 20x25 foot job in around 1 ½ hrs. See short floor scraper video

I think we should get a 12” holder for the blades and try to get thicker blades (Or maybe make our own)

The holder wanted to rotate on the adapter when you had more pressure on the one side (Maybe we can put a bolt through the shank to keep it from being able to rotate)

The SK1550 was the better machine for the job due to power and traction

It works best to keep a sharp blade.  We sharpened the blade every 5-10 minutes

The ride on floor scrapers worked well on paint that was under ½”  thick.  When it got thicker it tended to run out of power. The propane model has more traction and power than the battery operated one

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