Product ID: SKIDHR
Harley Rake Rental for Skidloader
Details of Rental Item
72" Harley Rake
Model L14114 Harley
1200 lbs
Rental Rates
1/2 day
28 days
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Use in preparation for lawn seeding /w skidloader
Often Rented With This Item:
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Use this LAF5672H power rake attachment with any of our rental skid loaders. You can make money sooner, faster and easier with a Harley Power Box Rake. Harley is engineered to keep time consuming hand labor to a minimum. If you can't work because the job is wet, weedy, hard and rocky with erosion everywhere, it can be dried, flattened, pulverized and ready for seed in 30 minutes. No more grader box or pulverized passes and bald-spotted lawns. The result is a beautiful lawn every time and increased credibility for you.

Also known as a preparatory Rockhound, Preparator, Harley Rake, Gill, ATI tiller or landscape tiller. sometimes referred to as a Rock hound or preperator or Soil conditioner or cultivator or power rake or preseeder or yard stone remover/collector. Sometimes called a earth leveler, landscape rake, skid steer soil conditioner, or lawn leveling machine
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