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This Land Pride Solid Stand Over seeder offers precise placement and seed-to-soil contact making it ideal to overseed existing stands of grass and establish new turf. The three way seed-to-soil contact system provides great germination and emergence with the solid advantages of a full width seeding pattern. Curved knives slice into the ground creating slits to receive the seed. Fluted seed cups precisely meter the desired amount of seed in a broadcast pattern, delivering outstanding metering accuracy. The solid cast-iron packer wheels finish the job by pressing and firmly packing the seed into the soil, eliminating most air pockets. Also known as a slit seeder, slice seeder, 3 pt pull behind overseeder, over seeder, lawn seeder, or no till drill or overseader or food plot seeder Also known as a grass reseed machine or grass lawn reseeder. also known as sliceroverseeder, lawnreseeder, or split seeder.