Rent a Cordless Drywall SanderDewalt 20V Cordless Drywall Sander - Rent this along with our Shop Vac to eliminate nearly all dust.DRYSANB Details...
Rent a Cordless Plate Biscuit Joiner, 20V CordlessSometimes referred to as a Biscuit Cutter, Biscuit Jointer, or Biscuit Slot CutterELECBJ Details...
Rent a Dewalt Air InflatorIdeal for tire inflation, sports gear, camp mattresses, and more3 power source options with on-board accessories for versatilityTool is lightweight and portable at only 7.2 lbs.AIRINF Details...
Rent a Door Jamb Saw, Cut Bottom Of Doors And TrimCrain - Cuts doors, trim and more flush to the ground up to 1 1/4" off the ground.We supply saw bladesELEJAM Details...
Rent a Drill, Right Angle, 3/8", CordlessDewalt 20V - Cordless right angle drill for tight spaces and easy to useWe supply screws and construction fastenersELEDRACO38 Details...
Rent a Drywall SanderDewalt - Rent this along with our Shop Vac to eliminate nearly all dust.DRYSAN Details...
Rent a Drywall Screw GunDewalt - Has 6.5 amps which is plenty of power for drywall.We supply screws and construction fasteners.DRYSCR Details...
Rent a Grinder, Angle, 4 1/2" WheelDewalt - Light and powerful grinding, very little vibration.We supply grinding wheels.ELEGR5 Details...
Rent a Magnetic Drill Press, Low ProfileFein extremely small and lightweight 1-speed compact magnetic core drill with angular gearbox and minimal dimensions for cramped spaces in the workshop and on the construction site. For use with annular cutters. ELEMAGLP Details...
Rent a Metal Nibbler, Punch TypeFein Nibbler - Cut metal with the abilty to change directions while cutting. Fein nibblers cut corrugated metal easily without distortion.The BLK 1.6 nibbler can cut up to 16 gauge steelELENIB Details...