/Abatron Inc/Liquid Wood/Abatron 1 Quart LiquidWood

Abatron 1 Quart LiquidWood

Product ID: LW2QKR

MFG: Abatron Inc
MFG Part Number: LW2QKR

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Liquid Wood
Part A & B LiquidWood
LiquidWood restores rotted wood that can be crumbled under finger pressure and acts as a conditioner to restore strength to wood fibers. The hardened area can be sawed, planed, routed, carved, drilled, nailed, sanded, glued and painted. Also serves as a primer for WoodEpox.

Common uses included reconditioning window sills, thresholds, window and door frames, columns, stair steps, balustrades, floors, capitals, moldings, doors, shutters, furniture, art boats, and milwork.

Can be applied by pouring or brushing on wood.

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