Product ID: TRAE60
Rent Tractor Attachment Core Aerator. 60"
Details of Rental Item
60" Core Aerator 3 Point
Model CA2560 Land Pride
Weight w/o added weight
464 lbs.
Core spoons
96 (12 groups of 8)
Spacing of cores
Prox 7" x 5"
Core Depth
3-4" depends on weight & soil
Rental Rates
1/2 day
28 days
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We also have smaller aerators in pull-behind, stand-on, and walk-behind versions.

Rent the Land Pride CS2560 3pt (3 point) core aerator and combine it with our 26 HP Kubota to handle large areas, sports fields and pastures in a hurry.
Often Rented With This Item:
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Core aerating promotes healthy grass stands by loosening the upper level of the topsoil 3-4" deep with this lawn plugger. Depth of coring dependent on the weight added to the weight box and soil conditions. Works real well after a rain and as soon as you can take a tractor onto the field. Sometimes referred to as a core airrator, airator, airrater, airirator or air-rator, towable aireator, yard areator, arator, Aerorator or a plugger or deep tine aereator or aeroator or Airiatere or airiator or lawn spiker or air raider or Aerotor or Aeratir or erater
Search Code 1000100
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