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Product ID: PUMPUL
RENT an UP-Z-DAZY Well Pump Puller
Details of Rental Item
Well Pump Puller 120 V
Model 30XL Up-Z-Dazy
Rental Rates
1/2 day
28 days
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Do you need to remove your well pump? Then this Up Z Daisy PullAPump is the tool you need
The mystery of how to get a pump out of a well is over. Meet the Up-Z-Dazy 30XL easy to use well pump puller. This simple-to-use, maintenance-free mechanism can pull or set submersible pumps, jet pump systems and homeowner pumps and pipe. Just push it up to the well with its wheelbarrow-style handles and wheel and set it down over the well. The adjustable legs will account for that ground that's never level. Set the tray around the well casing, then use the winch and guide to pull the pump out through the sure-grip pull wheels. Up-Z-Dazy can handle a 600-lb. load and can set or pull at 24 fpm. A remote hand control on an 8-ft. cable lets the operator move around the worksite. A hand ratchet adds extra pressure to the pull wheels to pull the thinnest, slimiest, greasiest pipe.
A great upgrade vs using an easy riser pump puller. This pump puller is also known as Upzdasy, upzdaisy, upzdayz or up z daisy or water pump puller or UP-Z-DAZY or up-z-dazy or pitless puller
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